Wednesday, April 19, 2017

P. 703 1-5

Define boldface terms in section for #1
Don't do #2
Write out questions or complete sentences for the rest.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Spanish-American War Essay

Write a 1 page essay* about the Spanish-American War. Include the following in your essay:

-Jose Marti (Cuba Libre)
-"Remember the Maine..."
-Battle of Manila Bay
-"Rough Riders"
-"A Splendid Little War" - John Hay

This is a formal essay, not topical, that has a thesis, support of the thesis, and a conclusion.

Must be hand written.

*Honors classes will write a 2 page essay.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Foldable - The Industrial Revolution

Using 2 sheets of paper create a Foldable about the Effects of the Industrial Revolution.  Use the textbook on pages 473 - 502  Each Foldable MUST include the following:

-Title and drawing on cover.

-One Section/Tab on "Effects on Society"must include:
2. -Transportation, 
4. + one more topic (student's choice).

5. Drawing that represents the section
*Examples When Necessary*

-One Section/Tab on "Effects on City Life",must include:
2.-City Life,
3.-Working Class
4. + one more topic (student's choice).

5.  Drawing that represents the section
*Examples When Necessary*

-One Section/Tab on "Effects on the Arts", must include:
1.- Romanticism,
2.-  Realism,
3.- Visual Arts
4.-+ one more topic (student's choice).

5. Drawing that represents the section
*Examples When Necessary*

-ALL sections must have at least one drawing to help explain the section's topics.
-Use the Who, What When, Where, and Why format

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Unit 6 Test Review-TEST WILL BE ON TUESDAY, FEB. 21st

Napoleon Bonaparte
Continental System
Storming of the Bastille
Reign of Terror
Camillo Cavour
Fr. Miguel Hidalgo and his liberal reforms
Congress of Vienna
"Divide the Cake"
Nationalism examples
the Zollverein
Alexander II of Russia
Florence Nightingale
Armenian Genocide
French Revolution Slogan

Thursday, January 19, 2017

French Revolution Sequence Map

Make a sequence map similar to a comic strip, that describes the stages of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon. Your sequence map (comic strip) should have 6 scenes and a three sentence  explanation for each scene.

Pp. 384-414 in textbook.

Possible scenes you can use:
-Taxes. Monarchy, and Estates General*
-Tennis Court Oath
-"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
-Reign of Terror
-Napoleon Takes Over*


Good Link for French Revolution. Click the link below:

MLA Style Textbook Documentation for UPA

Spielvogel, Jackson (Ed). (2005). Glencoe World History. New York. McGraw-Hill publishing.